An internist or internal medicine doctor specializes in treating the internal organs and body systems. An internist also offers preventive services and has the expertise to treat anything from skin rashes to infections. Internists primarily treat adults and are often the first point of contact for their patients.

General internists treat their patients for different ailments. A general internist can help their patients manage chronic illnesses such as kidney disease and hypertension. Some internists have subspecialty in their chosen area such as gastroenterology or cardiology.

An internist can help prevent and manage a variety of illnesses, ranging from diabetes to chronic lung disease. If a patient needs specialized care, their internist will refer them to a physician who specializes in the particular area.

During a consultation, your internist will check your vital signs, including your pulse rate, blood pressure, weight, temperature and respiratory rate. They will analyze your gait & posture and check for irregular heartbeat, a heart murmur and other unusual sounds that may indicate a health problem.

Your doctor will listen to your breathing and check for shortness of breath, wheezing, or crackles. They will also examine your nose, throat, mouth, ears, eyes, skin, and nails for any sign of abnormalities.

Mental and physical health are intertwined. Your mental health can affect physical health and vice versa. Mental health problems such as depression can wreak havoc on the immune system and impact your body’s performance in day-to-day activities. Similarly, some chronic physical conditions can disrupt the circulation of blood to the brain, affecting brain function.

Internists understand the link between physical and mental health. They keep a close eye on their patients’ mental health during consultation sessions.

Your internist may also order screening tests such as a lipid panel or bone density test. For specific problems, they will order the corresponding test. If you are also seeing other specialists, your internist will consult with them and coordinate your care from a holistic healthcare perspective.

Preventive care matters. The best internal medicine doctor near you will track your health and be familiar enough with your body, habits, and wellbeing to be able to notice any irregularities.

Routine care can reveal health problems when they begin to develop. Frequently, early detection is the key to curing or mitigating any health problems. Your internist will suggest healthy lifestyle changes and steps you can take to avoid health problems.

Age-related deterioration can weaken the immune system, leaving older adults vulnerable to health conditions. During their training, internists acquire an in-depth understanding of different health conditions and the ways in which they interact.

Internists typically see patients in their offices or clinics. Some doctors work at hospitals.

Many internists engage in medical research and may perform multiple tasks, ranging from analyzing healthcare records to running clinical trials.

Dr. Guy is committed to providing the best possible care for his patients. He realizes the importance of empathy in healthcare and goes above and beyond the call of duty to make his patients feel comfortable. To make an appointment with him, call (707) 938-1255.